Integrating the Enneagram into your life

Dive deeper into the wisdom of the Enneagram with these specialized offerings. Whether you want one-on-one coaching, long-term cohorts, half or full-day workshops or a retreat, we have options for you as you grow in your Enneagram wisdom.


Personalized attention and coaching based on your needs.

Discover Your Subtype

In this one hour interview, you will discover your subtype and instinctual sequence and be given specific growth steps for both.

Therapy with Jenni

jenni uses her knowledge of the enneagram to work with clients and help them grow in their everyday lives

Seminars & Retreats

Seminars include: Enneagram & Marriage, Discover Your Number,
& Discover Your Subtype
We offer day long Lenten and Advent retreats.

Our deepest dive

Enneagram Cadre

Recommended Reading